Before we take a look at upcoming programs, I want to highlight a recent product placement coup by the Anthracite Heritage Museum. In the St. Patrick’s Day episode of NBC’s “The Office” (which aired on March 11), a gift bag with the museum’s logo appears twice (that I saw). This is the second time that the museum has showed up as part of the producers’ efforts to include glimpses of Scranton.
Spring is officially here, and even if there’s still the possibility of snow (yeesh) at some places on the Trails of History, we’re thinking about warmer weather and greener pastures. Site programming is starting to warm up too, so there’s even more to look forward to in April. A note about Easter (Sunday, April 4): some sites will be open, some will be closed. So (as we always say), please check ahead to see if the site you want to visit will be open when you plan to be there.

Global Warming Conference: April 11 (offered in conjunction with PennFuture; register by April 8)
1st PA Regiment Flintlock Shoot: April 30
Community Day: April 30 (education program geared to schools and home-schools; contact site for more info or to register)
School of the Soldier: April 9-11 (The 71st Pennsylvania Voluntary Infantry will stage a Civil War encampment on the grounds of Graeme Park)
Folk Art and Friendship Classes (Weathervane museum store): April 10 (paper stars), April 17 (papercutting—Scherenschnitte), April 24 (straw art)
Spring Benefit Auction: April 24

Old Economy Village
Site opens for the season: April 16
Spring Garden Workshop: April 17 (register before April 10)
Pennsbury Manor
Volunteer Training: April 10 or April 12 (call to sign up)
Living History Theater, “Parenting the Colonial Teen”: April 11
Open hearth cooking demonstration, Spring in the 17th Century: April 18
Garden highlights: April 25
Pennsylvania Military Museum
Battery B Drill Weekend: April 17-18 (3rd Pennsylvania Volunteers Civil War reenactors will encamp on the museum grounds, present artillery demonstrations, and recruit new members)
Exhibit, “Memories of Service – PA National Guard Mementos from The Great War,” is scheduled to open in April
Somerset Historical Center
Basket Workshop: April 17 (participants will learn to make a round bottom fruit basket with bushel handles)
Coopering School: April 30-May 2 (class members will learn coopering skills as they make a sugar keeler—keelers are the wooden buckets used to gather maple sap)
Textile Exhibit, “A Treasury of Handwork,” continues through April 25
PHMC/State Museum of Pennsylvania
State Museum of Pennsylvania
Exhibit, “TUSKS” featuring the Marshall’s Creek mastodon skeleton, continues through May 2 (the mastodon will take a break and then reappear in a remodeled museum gallery later this year)