Trailheads Rec Room - Videos, Virtual Tours, and Playlists

As part of their social media efforts, a number of sites have posted games, puzzles, and other online activities based on their collections and historic structures/landscapes. The Trailheads Rec Room pulls them all together (or as many as I could find). Sites have often posted more than one of any type of activity, so I'm embedding one of the most recent to let you know to look for more on their Facebook page.

Anthracite Heritage Museum (AHM Facebook page)

Brandywine Battlefield Park (BBP Facebook page)

Bushy Run Battlefield (BR Facebook page)

Conrad Weiser Homestead (CWH Facebook page)

Cornwall Iron Furnace (CIF Facebook page)

Daniel Boone Homestead (DBH Facebook page)

Drake Well Museum and Park (DWM&P Facebook page)

Eckley Miners' Village (EMV Facebook page)

Ephrata Cloister (EC Facebook page)

Erie Maritime Museum & U.S. Brig Niagara (EMM Facebook page)

Find more videos on the Flagship Niagara League YouTube channel

Fort Pitt Museum (FP Facebook page)

Joseph Priestley House (JPH Facebook page)

Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum (LVVFM Facebook page)

Old Economy Village (OEV Facebook page)

Pennsbury Manor (PM Facebook page)

William Penn Timeline Story Map on Pennsbury website

Pennsylvania Lumber Museum (PLM Facebook page)

Pennsylvania Military Museum (PMM Facebook page)

Pennsylvania Trails of History (TOH Facebook page)

Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania (RMP Facebook page)

Scranton Iron Furnaces (SCI Facebook page)

The State Museum of Pennsylvania (SMP Facebook page)