Happy New Year
Oh, and don't forget that tomorrow is the deadline for the PHMC 2010 Photography Contest.
We're Sooooooo Bored!!
Whatever winter holiday you celebrate (and whenever you celebrate it), chances are that you and/or some members of your family will be on vacation from school or work between December 25 and January 1. Maybe you have out-of-town guests visiting, too.
Does this sound familiar? “We're soooooo bored.” “Entertain me.” “[Whiiiiiiine].”
And that’s just the grown-ups.
If you’re looking for something to do with sugar-crazed children, cranky in-laws, or just yourself, check out the Trails of History. All PHMC historic sites and museums will be closed on December 25 and January 1. Other than that, site schedules vary (some are also closed Dec. 24 and 31, for example). Due to seasonal closings and reduced schedules, be sure to check with specific sites for details. In addition to regular offerings, a handful of sites will have special programs during that wonderful/stressful week of family and friend togetherness.
Ephrata Cloister
Dec. 27-30: Lantern Tours—presentations by Ephrata’s Junior Historians, working with staff and volunteers, bring dramatic focus to the history of the site. This year’s program, “The Bloody Theater or Martyr’s Mirror,” explores the creation and strange fate of the largest book printed in America before 1776 (it was printed at Ephrata). Admission is charged for this evening program and reservations are required (call the site at (717) 733-6600).
Dec. 27-30: Marx Train Layout--in addition to the Museum's regular exhibits, the train layout put up for the museum's Christmas program will remain in place until New Year's. Volunteers will be running the trains, so stop by for a look.
Joseph Priestley House
Jan. 2: Twelfth Day program—Join in on a traditional English manor house celebration and wrap up the Christmas season. Regular admission charged. Tour Dr. Priestley’s home and see chemistry demonstrations in the Pond Building at 2 pm. (The site is otherwise closed to the public until March.)
Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum
Dec. 28-29: Winter Day Camp—crafts, games, and open hearth cooking help to liven up that week off from school between Christmas and New Year’s; sign up for either or both days (discounts available for members, multi-day registrations, or multiple children from the same family).
State Museum of Pennsylvania
Dec. 26, 29-30: Season of Light planetarium show—a look at how many of our modern traditions trace their roots to winter festivals of long ago. Fee charged in addition to museum admission; check website for scheduled showings.
Dec. 30: Noon Year’s Eve—this program provides young children and their families with a special New Year’s celebration of their own; playtime, crafts, snacks, and the Firefly drop at noon are part of the fun. Included in museum admission.
Washington Crossing Historic Park
Dec. 25: Christmas Day Crossing—the annual reenactment of the 1776 crossing of the Delaware River by George Washington and his troops prior to the Battle of Trenton.
The compact shelving hiding in the boxes in the top photo will glide on tracks to be installed in the new collections storage space shown above. The tracks allow for easy movement of the shelving units and make maximum use of the space. It’s actually pretty cool.
Okay, so I’m a geek. We’ll keep you posted as the building interiors (and the new exhibit!!) take shape.
Bits and Pieces
Three days of brutal cold in my cubicle (hey look, a space heater), not to mention the official start of cookie season, can take a toll on the brain. So this week’s Trailheads is a selection of items, “ripped from the headlines,” that I hope you’ll find interesting and/or enjoyable.
But first, a request. A research and pr firm that does a lot of work with museums has been publishing some of their findings from a survey about childhood memories of museums. That has me thinking (when I’m not planning my annual eggnog indulgence or my umpteenth viewing of A Christmas Story). Since December is a time when many folks are celebrating family traditions and passing them along to the younger generation, how about sharing one of your early holiday (any winter holiday) memories? Of course, if you want to share an early museum memory, that’s cool, too. Click on the number next to the word “Comment” at the top of this post and follow the directions. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
The Friends of Cornwall Furnace have published a 2011 calendar featuring Robert Habersham Coleman and his legacy (Coleman was one of the owners of Cornwall Iron Furnace). Using rarely seen historic photos, the calendar provides glimpses of the Furnace operation’s history and one of Lebanon County’s most prominent families. The first run of 250 copies sold out, but more are being printed; proceeds support the historic furnace and its programs. An article in the Lebanon Daily News provides more info. It’s the perfect gift for history junkies, while supplies last.
The Pennsylvania Military Museum’s Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day program drew the attention of local press and others. A detailed article in the Centre Daily Times conveyed the essence of the program, which took place on the museum grounds, beneath two guns from the USS PENNSYLVANIA, a witness to the Dec. 7, 1941, attack.
The Scranton Times-Tribune reported on the Anthracite Heritage Museum’s German Christmas program, held on December 10. The 90-minute program featured music, food, and history; Facebook users can find photos of the event here.
As part of Old Economy Village’s Christmas programming, volunteers from area churches decorated parts of the historic site to reflect traditions from around the world. An article in yesterday’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review provides a description and details of how some of the decorations were made.
And for your viewing pleasure, a clip from the dress rehearsal of the Christmas crossing at Washington Crossing Historic Park posted by Calkins Media Video on YouTube:
That’s all for now, Trailheads. Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.
Halloween Revisited

'Tis the Season
Anthracite Heritage Museum
Dec. 12: German Christmas Program—90-minute program for all ages includes a toy demonstration, holiday music activities, German folklore, photo op with St. Nicholas and Ruprecht, holiday treats and more. Space is limited and registrations are required (deadline is Dec. 10).
Daniel Boone Homestead
Dec. 4: Children’s Program and Victorian Christmas Fundraiser—the Children’s Program features storyteller Kathy Long and a visit from St. Nicholas, plus an ornament-making activity and wagon rides around the Village. The Victorian Christmas Fundraiser includes traditional 19th-century decorations, a Victorian tea, and 19th-century-style ornaments for purchase (thanks to the work of Village volunteers).
Dec. 13-14: Christmas at the Cloister—a program of readings and music in the historic Saal (meetinghouse). Tickets are limited and must be purchased in advance; contact the site to check availability.
Dec. 27-30: Lantern Tours—experience the history of the Cloister through dramatic presentations by the site’s Junior Historians, junior and senior high school students who work with staff to make this annual program come to life. Reservations are required and can be made anytime after Dec. 1.
Erie Maritime Museum and US Brig Niagara
Dec. 10: Christmas Tree Ship—join in welcoming Santa to light the ship and then tour the museum, make crafts, and decorate cookies. Admission is free. Visitors are asked to bring new or gently used Christmas decorations for families in need; Family Services of NW PA will help with a drawing for 25 Christmas trees.
Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum
Dec. 4: Make Your Own Tin Ornament—The Weathervane museum store hosts a workshop with Beth Feaser, one of Landis Valley’s tinsmiths; cost of workshop is $20, call (717) 569-9312 for details.
Dec. 4-5 and 11-12: Country Christmas Village—Pennsylvania German Christmas traditions (including a visit with Belsnickel), foodways, crafts, and decorations will be found throughout the village; Weathervane will host book signings both weekends.
Dec. 17: Holidays at Landis Valley: A Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas—this evening event features a bonfire, carols, hot cider, and cookies. The event is free; visitors are asked to bring non-perishable food items for the Lancaster Food Bank.
Dec. 18: Old Fashioned Children’s Christmas—a Charles Dickens schoolhouse lesson, crafts, and Victorian parlor games provide fun for the entire family.
Dec. 28-29: Winter Day Camp—crafts, games, and open hearth cooking help to liven up that week off from school between Christmas and New Year’s; sign up for either or both days (discounts available for members, multi-day registrations, or multiple children from the same family).
Dec. 11: Christmas at the Village—experience a wide variety of Christmas traditions, foods, and crafts; take a carriage ride; enjoy hands-on activities in das Kinderhaus; and listen to performances by Old Economy’s orchestra and choir.
Pennsbury Manor
Dec. 9 and 10: Holly Nights—a Pennsbury tradition for more than 25 years; experience the Manor by candlelight, sip mulled cider, listen to carolers strolling the grounds, watch a 17th-century play. Be sure to visit the website to download a coupon good for $1 off adult admission.
Pennsylvania Military Museum
Dec. 7: Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Tribute—this event marks the 69th anniversary of the attack on the US Pacific Fleet by aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy. It takes place on the museum grounds, beneath the guns of the USS PENNSYLVANIA, which was in dry-dock at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941.
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
Dec. 4 and 11: Home for the Holidays—the first two Saturdays in December offer a nostalgic look at 100 years of holiday rail travel, along with seasonal music and hot chocolate. The Polar Express Parties are already filled, but there’s still plenty for families to enjoy.
State Museum of Pennsylvania
Dec. 18: International Kwanzaa Festival 2010—a celebration of the family, featuring dancers and drummers, authors and poets, food, music, and more. Admission is free; this program is presented by Nathaniel Gadsden’s Writers Wordshop in partnership with The State Museum, Women Connect Magazine, and Life Esteem, Inc.
Dec. 18-19, 22-23, 26, 29-30: Season of Light planetarium show—a look at how many of our modern traditions trace their roots to winter festivals of long ago. Fee charged in addition to museum admission; check website for scheduled showings.
Dec. 30: Noon Year’s Eve—this program provides young children and their families with a special New Year’s celebration of their own; playtime, crafts, snacks, and the Firefly drop at noon are part of the fun. Included in museum admission.
Washington Crossing Historic Park
Dec. 4: 2nd Annual Save the Crossing Fundraiser—event takes place at Crossing Vineyards and Winery; proceeds benefit the crossing reenactment program.
Dec. 12: Crossing Dress Rehearsal—watch reenactors practice for the Christmas Day event and enjoy craft and cooking demonstrations; fee charged.
Dec. 25: Christmas Day Crossing—the annual reenactment of the 1776 crossing of the Delaware River by George Washington and his troops prior to the Battle of Trenton.
Although I’m writing this on Tuesday afternoon, I am fairly sure that by the time it posts on Friday, I will have eaten a significant amount of turkey and “fixins,” watched parts of several indistinguishable (to me) football games, had some laughs with my niece and nephews, and raised a glass to my late father, who would have turned 79 this Thursday. My thankfulness for my husband, mom, brother, sister-in-law, and the three kiddos will, I hope, have been expressed, and I’ll have had time to catch up with the extended family members I see mostly on holidays. A pretty typical Thanksgiving. I hope that you had a peaceful, warm, and delicious day as well, and that you were able to spend time with those you love.
And since today is the shopping day of all time, don’t forget to include your favorite Trails of History museum store in your Black Friday rounds (site schedules vary widely this time of year, so please check ahead) or visit them tomorrow on Small Business Saturday. We thank you for your support.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s a Trailheads buffet of goodies—no calories, no fat, no dishes to wash. Enjoy.
The Lumber Heritage Region (which includes the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum) has just announced the results of their 2010 Photo Contest (one of the winning photos features the Lumber Museum’s Shay Locomotive). A slideshow of the top entries is available here.
Anyone interested in researching (or simply learning more about) Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson may want to visit Graeme Park’s Facebook page, which recently posted a number of links to digitized versions of correspondence and commonplace books written by, to, or about her. For example, Dickinson College has digitized the 1787 Commonplace Book, written by Elizabeth for Annis Stockton.
Some Items of Interest?
L to R: Roy Olofson, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Penn State Univ.; Ronald Blatchley, Retired Chemistry Teacher and Joseph Priestley Interpreter; Robert Minard, Retired Professor of Origin of Life Chemistry, Penn State Univ.; Tom Bresenhan, President of the Board, Friends of Joseph Priestley House; Stephen Miller, Director, Bureau of Historic Sites & Museums, PHMC; Stewart Stabley, American Chemical Society

From Original 5x7 Glass Negative by William T. Clarke, Pennsylvania State Archives, Dept. of Forests and Waters Photographs WTC 3820
Holiday Marketplace
Holiday Marketplace 2009/Photo by John Robinson
A Grateful Nation--Veterans Day 2010
Even Trailheads has gotten into the act, including a guest blog post last year about efforts at Erie Maritime Museum to recognize a Medal of Honor recipient.
Wednesday Tidbits November 10, 2010
I’m told that a contest to help name the people on a stick is in the works—watch this space for more details. Happy Wednesday.
What You Want
Several weeks ago, I wrote a post about tours at historic sites and put up a poll asking you to vote on your preferred way to visit a historic house or historic site. The poll gave you one choice from among “guided tour,” “self-guided tour with brochure,” “self-guided audio tour,” or “other.” Granted, at many historic sites on the Trails of History and elsewhere, it’s not an either/or situation—often, a guided tour is required for some parts of the site and you’re self-guided for other parts. But for simplicity, I limited your choices. The poll is now closed, but I’ve left it up so you can see the results (to the right of your screen).
Well, “voter turnout” wasn’t high—43 votes in 2 weeks—so I’m leery of any percentages here. We can say that the people who responded to the poll were pretty evenly split between guided tours and self-guided with brochure, with far fewer votes for audio tours. (One respondent commented that she didn’t pick audio tours because she hasn’t experienced them at historic sites.)
There’s some data out there (not to mention a fair amount of anecdotal evidence) that suggests these responses (which I have to emphasize are VERY non-scientific) don’t reflect how general museum goers feel. That is, it appears that more visitors want to explore on their own and ditch the guided tour if they have a choice. They still seem to want options for getting more information, however, including brochures, audio tours, and interaction with knowledgeable staff.
So, why the discrepancy in these responses? Hard to say, but I suspect that many Trailheads readers are hard-core history museum visitors. Personally, I still love a good guided tour, although I’m coming around to the idea of a good audio tour. I’ve experienced some high-quality audio, including the recent cell phone tours coming on line at Trails of History sites. The important thing, in my opinion, is that we be open to what our visitors want, work with the resources we have available, and continue to provide security and care for the historic buildings and collections we hold for the public. I’d be happy to hear some comments from readers about your further thoughts on this.
Say Yes to November
Please note: The tour preference poll (to the right of your screen) closes tonight (10/29) at 11:59 pm, so make your Friday evening plans accordingly. Also, the deadline to submit nominations for new state historical markers is Jan 5, 2011 (click here for more info).
November brings seasonal changes to some site schedules, so please be sure that the site you want to visit will be open when you plan to be there. All sites on the Trails of History will be closed Nov. 25 for Thanksgiving, and most sites will be closed Nov. 11 for Veterans Day and Nov. 26 for the day after Thanksgiving (the Railroad Museum of PA will be open both 11/11 and 11/26). Despite having three holidays packed into the month, there’s a lot to do.
Nov. 27: Patriots Day—visit a reenacted encampment of British troops during the winter of 1777
Conrad Weiser Homestead
Nov. 20: Guided Evening Tours—hear the voices of the 18th century in several vignettes and enjoy period music by Robert Mouland
Cornwall Iron Furnace
Nov. 9: Lecture, “The History of Campbelltown”—the speaker is local historian and author Don Rhoads, Jr., who will share information about the town’s 250th anniversary celebration last year. This is the final lecture of the 2010 series.
Nov. 7: Boone Birthday Program—celebrate the birthday of the famous frontiersman and learn about his birthplace
Eckley Miners’ Village
Nov. 14: Lecture on 19th-century mourning practices—speakers are village volunteers Bob Vybrenner and Kate Conlin
Nov. 6-7: Whitemarsh Encampment—annual reenactment of the Continental Army’s encampment in November and early December of 1777, prior to their more well-known winter in Valley Forge
Joseph Priestley House
Nov. 7: Heritage Day—the highlight this year is the re-dedication of the George Pond Building, which has just been renovated; chemistry demonstrations by Dr. Priestley (aka Ron Blatchley) will be featured
Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum
Nov. 12-13: Weathervane Holiday Open House—the museum store will feature a celebration of PA German folk art with unique and unusual items; light refreshments will be served
Old Economy Village
Nov. 27: Christmas with Belsnickel—children (ages 6-12) tour the Village, make a craft project, and visit with Belsnickel (a traditional German figure, similar to Santa Claus but not as jolly); pre-paid registrations are required
Pennsylvania Military Museum
Nov. 4-24: Exhibit, “Santa’s Draft Card”—Rev. Santa Claus of Saline County, Missouri, registered for the draft in WWII; a copy of his Selective Service System card is on exhibit for several weeks
Nov. 9: Lecture, “Fort Monroe: the Key to the South”—presented by the Central PA Civil War Roundtable; speaker is John Quarstein, director of the Virginia War Museum in Newport News
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
Nov. 5-7: Trains and Troops—reenactors will portray soldiers, civilians and railroaders from the Civil War to the present on 11/6 and 7; the Swing Dance the night of 11/6 brings the 1940s alive in Rolling Stock Hall; a special night photo shoot on 11/5 requires registration (due today, apologies for the short notice). Check the website for ticket options. During November and December, RMP is collecting new, unwrapped toys (Toys for Tots) and non-perishable food items (Central PA Food Bank).
Somerset Historical Center
Nov. 16 through April 9, 2011: Exhibit, “Wind Titans: A Pennsylvania Photo Essay”—photographs by State Museum staffer Don Giles provide a look at wind turbines, a new feature on the landscape in many parts of the Commonwealth, including Somerset County
Running Through History
What do you get when you combine oil industry heritage with a group of die-hard trail runners from all over the eastern U.S.? The Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs, that’s what you get. The OC100 took place around Titusville two weekends ago with over 200 runners in 3 distance categories—50K, 100K, and (pause for effect) 100 miles. That’s right, 100 miles. Overnight. Much of it on wooded hiking trails in Oil Creek State Park. Madness, I tell you—sheer madness.

Okay, so maybe I’m more than a bit of a couch potato, but these folks are SERIOUS runners. Even the 50K runners do more than a marathon, which is why this is called Ultra Trail Running. Anyway, the reason this is a topic on Trailheads is that this year, for the 2nd annual OC100, the course included a one-mile loop through the grounds of Drake Well Museum. The museum kept the (very noisy) Olin Hit and Miss engine operating during the night to give the runners something to take their minds off the searing pain in their legs (one runner mentions it in her blog post about the race).
No particular focus this week, Trailheads, just some updates on programs coming up this weekend.
This is really last minute, but if you’re reading this in the morning (of Oct. 22) and you’re close to Erie, you can still catch “The War of 1812: Was It Necessary?” The symposium, offered by Erie’s Jefferson Educational Society at their center on State Street, includes Walter Rybka, director of the Erie Maritime Museum and senior captain of US Brig Niagara, as one of its speakers. The $20 registration fee is payable at the door; the program runs from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Halloween tours at Eckley Miners’ Village will continue for a second weekend tonight and tomorrow, with groups leaving the visitor center every 15 minutes starting at 6:30 pm (doors open at 6 pm). The 1.5 mile walk takes at least an hour, and visitors should dress for the weather and the rough pavement. Bring your own flashlight or purchase one at the visitor center when you buy your ticket.
Ghosts and Star Gazing, presented by Washington Crossing Historic Park, will take place tomorrow night (Oct. 23) at Bowman’s Hill Tower at 7 and 8:30 p.m. A reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, “The Cask of Amontillado,” will be included, as will a rare nighttime tour of the tower (guided by an astronomer as well as a historian). Tickets ($10) can be reserved by email (23Towersteps@gmail.com) or phone (215/862-3166). The program is not recommended for young children.
Anthracite Heritage Museum will host Remember Johnny Mitchell Day this Sunday (Oct. 24). Mitchell was President of the United Mine Workers during the [anthracite] Coal Strike of 1902, which marked a turning point in U.S. labor relations (okay, I made that sound pretty academic, but don’t be put off—it’s a fun program). The program runs from Noon to 5 pm; admission is free!
What Do You Want?

Tall Ships Erie 2010

The Tall Ships Erie Festival included a number of local bands throughout the weekend, including traditional music by the Good For Nuthin’ String Band. PHMC employees might recognize Sue Beates, stepping out of a familiar role as Historian/Curator II at Drake Well Museum to play mandolin with the band. Many thanks to Sue and the band for contributing their time and talents.
And Things that Go "Bump" in the Night
Oct. 2: Annual Fall Nature Walk—join local naturalist George Heasley to explore Bushy Run’s woodlands and learn about western PA flora and fauna
Conrad Weiser Homestead
Oct. 17: Weiser Interpretive Sunday and Fall Park Walk (noon to 4 pm)
Oct. 12: Lecture, “Clarence Schock Memorial Park at Governor Dick,” by Janie Gockley
Daniel Boone Homestead
Oct. 17: Heritage Day—this year, Heritage Day celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, a group closely tied to the site; the First Pennsylvania Regiment will be on hand for a firelock shoot and 18th-century trades and crafts will be demonstrated
Ephrata Cloister
Oct. 8-9: Apple Dumplings and Musical Delights—proceeds from the sale of delicious apple dumplings support the return of historical artifacts to the Cloister; the Ephrata Cloister Chorus will perform several times in the historic Saal on Saturday afternoon
Graeme Park
Oct. 15 and 30: Paranormal Investigations—Friends of Graeme Park are working with National PA Paranormal Investigators (NPPI) for a series of programs. Reservations required.
Oct. 9-10: Harvest Days—51st annual program celebrating PA German life—food, crafts, wagon rides, pumpkin patch, music, and much more
Old Economy Village
Oct. 9: Penn Pilsner Oktoberfest—beer, German food, and entertainment, what’s not to like? Contact site for tickets.
Pennsbury Manor
Pennsylvania Military Museum
Oct. 5: Lecture, presented by Central PA Civil War Roundtable, “Shadows of War – Prelude to the First Memorial Day,” Dr. Janice S. McElhoe, speaker—Presentation describes events in Boalsburg before and during deployment of Company G of the 148th Pennsylvanians to the Civil War.
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
Oct. 8-10: Model Railroading Days and Garden Railways Tour—model railroading activities for kids and grown-ups at the museum Friday-Sunday; Garden Railways Tour on Sunday afternoon features eight operating garden railways at private homes (a separate ticket is required and can be purchased at RMP, National Toy Train Museum, or Stauffers of Kissel Hill stores in central PA—or enter a contest to win tickets).
Somerset Historical Center
Oct. 30: Exhibit, “Woven Wonders: Somerset County Coverlets,” closes
State Museum of Pennsylvania
October: Archaeology Month—visit the archaeology dig at Fort Hunter, just north of Harrisburg. Weekdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (weather permitting), State Museum archaeologists will be continuing their excavations and welcome the public to come see what’s up. For more info, visit This Week in PA Archaeology.
Four Hours Before the Mast
Before we boarded the ship, Walter shared these words from Richard Henry Dana’s account of life as a sailor, Two Years Before the Mast: “There is not so helpless and pitiable an object in the world as a landsman beginning a sailor’s life.” No further comment is necessary, so I’ll just share some of my favorite photos of the evening. If you ever have the chance to take a day sail on Niagara and can work with the crew hauling on lines and learning a bit about how the ship functions, do it.