Trailheads Rec Room - Collections Gallery

This is a page to share posts highlighting the vast array of collections held at Trails of History sites and museums, as well as the Pennsylvania State Archives. Many of the items shared are not currently (or regularly) on exhibit to the public, so it's a great way to see more. Check back for updates and additions. If you enjoy exploring our collections online, be sure to visit the PHMC's Museum Collections portal or the PA State Archives online research page.

Anthracite Heritage Museum (AHM Facebook page)

Bushy Run Battlefield (BRB Facebook page)

Conrad Weiser Homestead (CWH Facebook page)

Cornwall Iron Furnace (CIF Facebook page)

Daniel Boone Homestead (DBH Facebook page)

Drake Well Museum and Park (DWM&P Facebook page)

Eckley Miners' Village (EMV Facebook page)

Ephrata Cloister (EC Facebook page)

Erie Maritime Museum and U.S. Brig Niagara (EMM Facebook page)

Fort Pitt Museum (FP Facebook page)

Graeme Park (GP Facebook page)

Hope Lodge (HL Facebook page)

Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum (LVVFM Facebook page)

Old Economy Village (OEV Facebook page)

Pennsbury Manor (PM Facebook page)

Pennsylvania Lumber Museum (PLM Facebook page)

Pennsylvania Military Museum (PMM Facebook page)

Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania (RMP Facebook page)

The State Museum of Pennsylvania (SMP Facebook page)