Brandywine Battlefield
Weekly through August 12, Summer History Camp—week of August 8 is full, but check to see if there’s space August 1-5. Visit the website for details.
Bushy Run Battlefield
August 6-7, The Battle of Bushy Run—248th anniversary reenactment of the battle that pitted British troops against Native American forces; event also includes military camps, craftspeople, and other special programs.

Civil War 150 Road Show
August 5-7, Kittanning Riverfront Park, Kittanning (Armstrong County)—hosted by John T. Crawford Camp #43, Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War and Auxiliary.
August 12-14, Garnet Valley Middle School, Glen Mills (Delaware County)—hosted by Concord Township Historical Society and co-hosted by a slew of local historical organizations (visit website for full list).
August 19-21, Penn Park, York—hosted by York County Heritage Trust.
August 26-28, see listing for Somerset Historical Center below.
Conrad Weiser Homestead
August 6, Guided Evening Tours—this living history program will introduce you to Conrad Weiser’s life and times, some of his friends, and the place he lived; a tour guide will accompany you to various spots on the site (program is 6-8:30 pm with the last tour at 8 pm).
Cornwall Iron Furnace
August 9, Monthly Lecture Series—“A History of Lebanon’s Water Supply,” with speaker Mike Trump (board member, educator, and recent co-recipient of Cornwall’s Volunteer of the Year award). Check the website closer to the date for details.
Daniel Boone Homestead
August 10, Junior History Workshop—well-known living historian Clarissa Dillon will conduct a workshop on Hearth Cooking and Dairying for kids in grades 3-6; registration is limited, a copy of the brochure is here.
Drake Well Museum
August 14, Sunday Family Fun—“Building Stories” will teach you the components of telling the perfect story; storyteller Bill Stumpf will lead the way (Bill was recently featured on the blog “Milliver’s Travels"). Reservations and program fee required, 814/827-2797.
August 27, Saturday Family Fun—“Portraits in Plastic” lets you explore artists’ techniques from the 19th century as you create family or individual portraits. Reservations and program fee required, 814/827-2797. Oil Valley Blacksmiths will also be on hand for their monthly demonstration (that’s included in regular admission).
Eckley Miners’ Village
August 20-21, Living History/Civil War Weekend—experience patch town life in the 1860s with living history demonstrations, Civil War encampments, and other period events.
Ephrata Cloister
August 20, Family Day—learn about families and their historic role at Ephrata Cloister, while taking part in hands-on activities that recreate 18th-century skills and interests (included with regular admission).
Fort Pitt Museum
August 13, Teachers Open House—contact educator Andrew Gaerte for details.
Graeme Park
August 1-5, Colonial Adventure Camp—it may be too late to register, but check here quick.
August 21, Yellow Fever Program—this living history theater presentation explores the impact of the 1793 Yellow Fever epidemic on the residents of Graeme Park.
Hope Lodge
August 10, Summer Movie on the Lawn—Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation presents National Treasure at dusk (rain date is Aug. 11).
International Preservation Trades Workshop
August 6, Community Day—the annual conference, designed for people who teach, practice, and are interested in historic building trades, will be held August 2-6 at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology in Lancaster (more info here). On Saturday morning, August 6, activities and demonstrations for families and anyone else who wants to partake will be offered for folks not registered for the rest of the conference (details here).
Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum
August 2, Hands-on History Day—children of all ages get to take part in hands-on activities from 18th- and 19th-century Pennsylvania German culture (also offered in Sept., Oct., and Nov.).
August 13, Storytelling Day—storyteller Pennsylvania Jack will present “Tales of our Ancestors” and “Pennsylvania People and Places”; hands-on activities, other storytelling sessions, and visits to a one-room schoolhouse round out this day-long event.
August 27, The Weathervane Art Show—Landis Valley’s museum store hosts a day of local artists and craftspeople demonstrating and selling their wares; live music and food will also be available.
Old Economy Village
August 13, Garden Party—check website for more information.
August 28, Gertrude Rapp’s 203rd Birthday Ice Cream Social—celebrate the birthday of the granddaughter of Harmony Society founder George Rapp and a force in her own right.
Pennsbury Manor
August 7, Historic Trades—the joyner and blacksmith will be showing their skills with wood and metal.
August 14, Living History Theater—“Penn Mead Trial” illustrates the 1670 trial of Quakers William Penn and William Meade for causing a riot in London; learn about how this trial shaped the American judicial system.
August 21, Open Hearth Cooking Demonstration—“Summer in the 17th Century” shows you how the cooks worked with the summer’s harvest to prepare meals for the Penn family.
August 28, Garden Highlights—spend some time in the kitchen garden, meet the gardeners, and help out with chores (if you like).
Pennsylvania Military Museum
August 6, Boot Camp for Kids—this new one-day summer camp experience is designed for boys and girls ages 8 to 13; instructors include prior service soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Registration and prepayment required, contact Joe Horvath.
August 31, Friends of PMM Speaker Series—check the website for details.
Railroad Museum of PA
August 12-13, Hogwarts Express Parties—enjoy this program (recommended for ages 8 and up) inspired by the popular Harry Potter books (activities include reading from one of the books inside a historic railcar); limit 20 children per party (morning and afternoon parties each day), registration (by dropping off or mailing the form) is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Somerset Historical Center
August 26-28, Civil War 150 Road Show—SHC hosts the traveling exhibit for a weekend; local events include an encampment, an evening lecture on Aug. 26, a dinner on Aug. 27, and SHC’s continuing exhibit, “The Civil War in Somerset County.”