Waiting for March

Please check the PHMC Events Calendar if you're looking for virtual programs; I've highlighted some below. The Trailheads Rec Room to the right of your screen has all kinds of online offerings--great for when you need a break.
Side of two-story mansion with stuccoed wall. There is snow on the ground and floodlights cast shadows on the wall of the building.
Photo of Hope Lodge via Facebook
This is your (and my) reminder that it's still winter, no matter how much we want it to be spring already. We had some lovely snow this week, and as always, Trails of History sites posted wintry beauty. Don't be fooled (I say to myself) by the warmer temps of midweek. It's a trap.

Although Black History Month is coming to a close, Black History as American History doesn't end. Pennsbury Manor posted about their garden planning this week and efforts to reflect the foodways brought to Pennsylvania by enslaved Africans and their descendants. See the post below about adding scotch bonnet peppers. Pennsbury has also shared what their research shows about some of the people enslaved at Pennsbury, including Peter, a gardener, and Chevalier, who lived at Pennsbury for many years, some of them as a free man.

Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum hosted a presentation by DCNR's Paul T. Fagley on African-American enrollees in the Civilian Conservation Corps. The presentation included film footage from Camp S-146 in Austin, PA, also known as Bark Shanty (CCC camps generally had names in addition to their numerical designations).

For National Love Your Pet Day, Drake Well Museum and Park posted images from their collections that featured people and their pets.

Erie Maritime Museum and U.S. Brig Niagara educator Chuck Johnson posted an inaugural live tour of the museum's exhibit of the recreated hull of the U.S. Brig Lawrence. Staff on the Trails of History continue to try new things as they expand our virtual offerings.

SNEAK PREVIEW: PHMC will be celebrating Pennsylvania's birthday, Charter Day, online this year, from March 7-12. Next week's post will have more details. Trails of History sites will present the next edition of the PHMC Virtual Collections Showcase on Tuesday, March 9 at 7 pm, with the theme "birthdays and other celebrations." Registration for the Zoom event is open now (link to register).

photos of birthday balloons, a glass slipper, and a silver pen and ink set. Main text reads "What's in a theme? PHMC Virtual Collections Showcase in Honor of Charter Day, Tuesday, March 9 at 7 pm EST"

Upcoming Virtual Events

Today, Feb. 26
  • Workin' On the Railroad, program for children K-6th grades, Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, 10-11 am (tickets by donation, RMP info and registration)
  • Learn at Lunchtime, learn about virtual school program options, The State Museum of Pennsylvania, 12:15-12:45 pm (SMP info and registration)
Sunday, Feb. 28
  • America at War, discussion with Dr. Marc Blackburn about his military history podcast, Pennsylvania Military Museum, 2-3 pm (PMM info and registration)
Thursday, March 4

What Day Is It?

Please check the PHMC Events Calendar if you're looking for virtual programs; I've highlighted some below. The Trailheads Rec Room to the right of your screen has all kinds of online offerings--great for when you need a break.

This past week has offered a variety of opportunities for Trails of History sites to highlight items in their collections.

Black History Month

Erie Maritime Museum and U.S. Brig Niagara posted an image of Cyrus Tiffany's fife, which is part of the museum's collection. As museum educator Charles Johnson notes in a linked blog post, Cyrus Tiffany was one of a number of Black sailors who served in Oliver Hazard Perry's fleet during the Battle of Lake Erie.

The State Museum of Pennsylvania has been sharing posts about Black Pennsylvanians featured in their Trailblazers exhibit. Among them is Daisy Lampkin (1883-1965), a native of Reading who was active in women's suffrage and anti-lynching movements.

Valentine's Day

The PHMC Virtual Collections Showcase on Feb. 16 revolved around the theme of Love and Relationships. We hope to have the recording available in the next week or so. Keep an eye on the Showcase playlist on PHMC's YouTube channel. Spoiler alert: Old Economy Village won the night with a collection of coded love letters between two non-Harmonist members of the community. Our next Showcase will be March 9 at 7 pm with a theme of Birthdays and Other Celebrations, in honor of Pennsylvania's birthday, Charter Day.

Daniel Boone Homestead highlighted the heart-shaped holes in the barn gables on site, which served a practical purpose (ventilation) but may also reflect Pennsylvania German use of hearts as symbols of love, protection, and luck.

Presidents Day

Or more specifically, Lincoln's Birthday - PA Lumber Museum curator Josh Fox offered the latest installment of the hit series, "What chainsaw did that movie use?" Noting that Abraham Lincoln died about 80 years before chainsaws were widely available, Josh identifies the weapon wielded by the 16th President in the movie "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter" (2012) as a Baltimore-Kentucky pattern axe. I'll take his word for it.

Black men in CCC uniforms stand in four rows with a CCC camp building behind them

Upcoming Virtual Events

Today, Feb. 19
Monday, Feb. 22
Tuesday, Feb. 23
Wednesday, Feb. 24
Thursday, Feb. 25

Marking Time

Please check the PHMC Events Calendar if you're looking for virtual programs for the long weekend and beyond. The Trailheads Rec Room to the right of your screen has all kinds of online offerings--great for when you're trying to stay warm.

Background is pink and white hearts with red squares for images and white text. Title of graphic reads "What's in a theme? PHMC Virtual Collections Showcase"

Please join us on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 7 pm for the next edition of "What's in a theme? PHMC Virtual Collections Showcase." Staff from the Erie Maritime Museum, Hope Lodge, Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum, Old Economy Village, Pennsbury Manor, and the PA Lumber Museum will have five minutes to present and discuss objects from their collections that all relate to this month's theme, "Love and Relationships." Once all presentations are made and the Q&A is complete, the audience will get to vote on their favorite object (or the one they think best fits the theme). This will be the third installment of our new series (previous episodes live on PHMC's YouTube channel). You won't want to miss it.

In honor of Black History Month, the Pennsylvania Anthracite Heritage Museum shared a post about artist C. Edgar Patience, whose work is in the museum's collection and has a prominent place in the main exhibit hall.

Pennsylvania's First Lady, Frances Wolf, has launched "One Lens: Sharing Our Common Views," a project to document Pennsylvanians' COVID-19 experiences through a statewide virtual photography exhibit. PHMC is a partner in the project. Submissions will be accepted through March 8 (more info on submitting an entry).

For the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Drake Well Museum and Park shared videos by geologist Kristin Carter, who serves as an advisor to Drake Well, and biologist Wendy Kedzierski, who volunteers at the site.

And the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum shared a DCNR post about botanist Chris F., who works for the Bureau of Forestry and is a friend to the Lumber Museum.

For Inventors Day, The State Museum of Pennsylvania highlighted (among others) our own Dr. Joseph Priestley and his work with identifying and isolating gases such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.

Six More Weeks of Winter

Please check the PHMC Events Calendar if you're planning ahead. I've included some highlights below. The Trailheads Rec Room to the right of your screen has all kinds of online offerings--great for when you're trying to stay warm.

The limbs of a leafless tree against a gray winter sky. There is snow on the ground.
A stark, but beautiful, landscape at Pennsbury Manor (photo via Facebook)

So, before we could even start digging out from the latest snowstorm in southeastern PA (and elsewhere, of course), Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of this...stuff. Great. Well, at least it looks pretty, as evidenced by these posts from the Trails of History.

The folks at Cornwall Iron Furnace have a lot of snow to clear. Even though our sites are closed to the public, there are staff members reporting for work on site to keep everything maintained and safe.

Ephrata Cloister always looks beautiful in the snow!

In addition to clearing snow for people, site staff also are on site when there are animals to take care of, such as here at Pennsbury Manor.

Bushy Run Battlefield is the closest Trails of History site to Punxsutawney (I think).

Upcoming virtual events

Friday, Feb. 5 and 12
  • Learn at Lunchtime, The State Museum of Pennsylvania, 12:15-12:45 pm: today's (2/5) program is an artist conversation between fine arts curator Amy Hammond and photographer Ron Tarver (info and registration); next Friday (2/12), join Dr. Walter Meshaka, senior curator of zoology and botany, and nature educator Beth Erikson as they talk about how Pennsylvania's reptiles and amphibians survive winter (info and registration)
Thursday, Feb. 11
  • Winter History Class (Week 2), Ephrata Cloister, 9 am-noon: we're in week 2 of the 9-week class, and today's topics are compulsory military service during the American Revolution and illuminations in Ephrata and Snow Hill manuscripts and prints (info, registration, and complete class schedule)
  • ADDED: Ephrata Virtual Academy, 7-7:30 pm: enjoy a short presentation on artifacts in Ephrata's collection created by the PA Museum Extension Project in the 1930s as part of the Works Progess Administration (info and registration)
Tuesday, Feb. 16
  • What's in a theme? PHMC Virtual Collections Showcase, 7-8 pm: this month's theme is Love and Relationships, in honor of Valentine's Day. Staff from six Trails of History sites will share objects related to the theme, and the audience will vote on their favorite (info and registration)