With school tours winding down, the rhythm of life on the Trails of History shifts into a different phase, as we gear up for an even busier time of year. The summer months will be the peak of annual visitation at most sites, if the pattern of previous years holds true. We’re always happy to see gas prices ease downward, although we love staycationers just as much as we love folks from out of state. I wonder how many families realize what a great value we are, or how refreshing it can be to unplug everybody from their routine for a day or two.
Yikes! Stop me before I wax rhapsodic about how things were simpler and slower in the past—they may feel that way to us, but many people in other times have felt the stresses of “modern” life and accelerating change as we do now. One of the interesting things about history, in my opinion, is finding out how those stresses are like our own and how they’re different.
So anyway, time now—now?—for a few unconnected items that have accumulated on my virtual desk.

The folks at Ephrata Cloister were able to make use of an exhibit graphic from Winterthur Museum in Delaware to enhance the lobby in the Visitor Center. (Ephrata pieces appeared in an exhibit of Pennsylvania furniture at Winterthur last year.) Augmented by skilled staff and volunteers, the otherwise-discarded photo mural gained new life to welcome visitors and provide a space for highlighting items from the collections. By the way, this Sunday, dads get free admission at Ephrata for Father’s Day.

Tomorrow, related to PHMC’s 2012 focus on foodways (official theme is “The Land of Penn and Plenty: Bringing History to the Table”), Washington Crossing Historic Park is offering a program on CHOCOLATE. Need I say more? You can get details here.

Archaeological excavations at Graeme Park are going on this summer to investigate what may be a garden wall from the 18th century. The lead investigator is blogging about the project here.
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