Be sure to check out the June program listings for events this weekend and the rest of the month.
Catching Up...
Lots of goodies to enjoy at Joseph Priestley House's first World Doll Day tea party (via Facebook) |
On Saturday, June 9,
Joseph Priestley House held their first World Doll Day event, in honor of long-time volunteer Ruth Eleanor McCorkill. Doll collectors and vendors displayed all kinds of dolls. A festive tea party (see photo above) included adults, kids, and dolls. Among the program offerings were some intriguing and well-executed photo op stations, such as the boat (complete with oars) below. You can find more photos in the
World Doll Day 2018 album on the Priestley House Facebook page.
One of several photo op stations for visitors to the World Doll Day event at Joseph Priestley House. Dr. Priestley himself (Ron Blatchley, center of photo in white shirt) even took a turn with an oar (via Facebook) |
Last week (June 6), as has become an annual tradition, Hope Lodge hosted the Ambler Symphony Orchestra for a concert on the lawn. Folks brought their blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy an evening of music and fresh air.
The Ambler Symphony Orchestra performing at historic Hope Lodge on June 6 (via Facebook) |
Did you follow the voyage of the
Lettie G. Howard from South Street Seaport Museum in NYC to its new temporary berth at the Erie Maritime Museum? The Lettie has been leased by the Flagship Niagara League and will spend two years
providing Erie-based day sails and educational programs in addition to the U.S. Brig
Niagara, which also spends time traveling to other Great Lakes ports. The U.S. Brig Niagara Facebook page has lots of
photos and video documenting the trip out of New York, the coast of Atlantic Canada, through the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Welland Canal, and finally into Lake Erie and Presque Ile Bay. There's also been plenty of publicity, including an article about
Allison Taylor, who will serve as captain of the Lettie during its stay in Erie. Visit the
Niagara Facebook page or
Erie Maritime Museum website for more info on sailing schedules and other events for the
Lettie G. Howard and the U.S. Brig
Schooner Lettie G. Howard docked in Erie after its voyage from NYC (via Facebook) |
...and Looking Forward's list of 5 ways to celebrate Father's Day includes Pennsbury Manor's Brews and Bites event coming up tomorrow, June 16.
Visit Pennsbury's website for info on ticket options and a list of participating breweries and wineries. The event runs from 4 to 8 pm and you must be at least 21 years old to attend.
The annual Patchtown Days event at
Eckley Miners' Village is a tribute to the immigrants who lived and worked in this coal company town. This year's event, scheduled for June 23-24, celebrates the 50th anniversary of Paramount Pictures’ 1968 production of
The Molly Maguires, starring Sean Connery, Richard Harris, and Samantha Eggar. The event will feature live entertainment, reenactments, artifact displays, craft and food vendors, kid’s activities, and more! On Saturday evening, the film that started it all will be shown in the visitor center auditorium, with doors opening at 6 pm, a brief lecture at 6:30, and the screening at 7 pm.
Production photo of Samantha Eggar, who played Miss Mary Raines in The Molly Maguires |
At the beginning of April Emily Arcaro, Eckley's Americorps VISTA staffer, sent an email to
Samantha Eggar detailing the upcoming events. Eggar replied with some of her thoughts on the production, which Emily shared with volunteers (and other readers):
...Personally it was one of the best career experiences for me. The cast were so involved with the history and emotions of that period. We were all very happy on that film.
To work in the actual town lent such credence to each day and I recall shooting in a home where the miner came home each day, exhausted, face stained, sitting silently at his kitchen table in the small space as we worked around him. The silence spoke all we needed....
Thank you again for contacting me. I am proud to have been in your town and seen the true history of anthracite mining in PA.
With blessings to you all,
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