Cheer Up, It's March

Well, it's March. February was, at least where I live, a roller coaster of snow, ice, rain, and tantalizing but fleeting hints of spring. I expect March to be more of the same, but three days longer. Ugh. Get that woman some sunshine and/or chocolate. On the upside, life on the PA Trails of History will continue to rev up with the end of winter schedules at a number of sites (some will wait for April) and an increase in programming. Not to mention the always-popular Charter Day (March 10 this year), when admission to PHMC sites is free. The March program page is up and running (subject to updates as the month wears on) and includes activities planned for Charter Day and the rest of the month. Listings below will get you through the coming week.

But first, a couple of previews.

Sign and new exhibit space at Drake Well Museum

Visitors to Drake Well Museum and Park on Charter Day will be among the first to see some changes to the core exhibit in the visitor center (and no, there's not enough chocolate in the world to get me to spill the beans (heh), because I don't know). The core exhibit is wide-ranging, with artifacts and info on the history of the oil industry locally and globally, so these updates should be interesting. We'll try to keep you posted as all is revealed (or follow Drake Well Museum on Facebook).

Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum staff and volunteers are putting the final touches on a major exhibit of redware pottery, which opens on Charter Day and will run through December 2020 (with some changes before the 2020 season). This exhibit brings together many pieces not seen in public before.

The week ahead

Brandywine Battlefield Park
March 3: Casimir Pulaski Day—learn about the role of the cavalry during the American Revolution and honor the founder of American Cavalry (be sure to check out the state historical marker while you're there). Admission cost is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, and $8 for kids. Noon-4 pm.

Drake Well Museum
March 7: Petroleum Program Series—Chris Dubbs, military historian and retired administrator at Gannon University, will present "Women Journalists in WWI." Admission charged. Doors open at 6 pm, programs start at 6:30.

Ephrata Cloister
March 7: Winter History Class—each Thursday morning participants in the Winter History Class learn about the history of the celibate brothers and sisters, the world they lived in, and the work of preserving the collections and buildings. Visit the website for details and registration info. You can still sign up for the remaining March classes. Contact the site at 717/733-6600 for details and/or to register.

Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum
Winter Learning for Adults—the full list of classes through April is on the website, along with a registration form. Costs and schedules vary.
Homeschool Classes—on Wednesdays through March 13, Landis Valley offers a series of classes designed for homeschool groups. Each week has a different focus and activities. Sign up for one or more, depending on your schedule and interest (full details are on the website). 9 am-12:30 pm.

Pennsylvania Military Museum
March 3: Friends' Lecture Series—Michael Carper will present "Was It Hot Over There?" and discuss his experiences serving in Iraq. 2-3 pm.

State Museum of Pennsylvania
Planetarium Shows—check the State Museum website for schedule and program descriptions.
March 1: Storytime—enjoy a reading of Charlotte Guillain's The Street Beneath My Feet and play a guessing game using objects found in the story. Designed for ages 3-5 with an adult. Included in general admission. 10-11 am.
March 7: Nature Lab—learn about ROCKS! through images and hands-on objects. Geared for a general audience, ages 7 and up. Included in general admission. 11:30 am.


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