Please see last week's post for upcoming events on the PA Trails of History.
As National Volunteer Month draws to a close, we will gather tomorrow to honor volunteers for their service in 2018. The annual Volunteer of the Year Awards is one of my favorite events of the year. It's always a pleasure to learn about the variety of skills and talents our volunteers bring to our sites and museums to share with the public. Whether providing tours and information to on-site visitors, supporting collections care and management efforts behind the scenes, or conducting research in archival collections, volunteers are vitally important to our work on the Pennsylvania Trails of History.
This year's honorees, including four recipients of the Outstanding Service Award, are pictured below, and there is a link for each so that you can read more about their volunteer activities. Please join me in congratulating them and thanking them for their support of PHMC's historic sites and museums.
Outstanding Service Award Recipients
Robert Zimmerman, Eckley Miners' Village (citation)
Linda Bolla, Erie Maritime Museum and U.S. Brig Niagara (citation)
Robert Siever, Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum (citation)
Volunteers of the Year for Service in 2018
Juliana Puccini, Anthracite Heritage Museum & Scranton Iron Furnaces (citation)
Nicholas Rodia, Brandywine Battlefield Park (citation)
Emily Liska, John Harris, and Nick Sopko, Bushy Run Battlefield (citation)
Mary Jane Hiller, Drake Well Museum and Park (citation)
The Neyhart Family (not pictured), Eckley Miners' Village (citation)
Mary Kay Sanner, Erie Maritime Museum and U.S. Brig Niagara (citation)
Sharon O'Neal-Lehner and Dawn Snyder, Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum (citation)
Jack Deurer, Pennsylvania Lumber Museum (citation)
Victor Campbell, Pennsylvania Military Museum (citation)
William Cole, Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania (citation)
Andy Stauffer, The State Museum of Pennsylvania (citation)
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