The January program page has this weekend's events. Please note that most Trails of History sites will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The Railroad Museum of PA will be open (although they are generally closed on Mondays Nov.-March).
More PA Farm Show!!
Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum volunteer Karen Gunderson with visitors at the 2018 Pennsylvania Farm Show (via Facebook) |
Last week's post was focused on the various
PHMC activities going on at the 102nd Pennsylvania Farm Show. I might also have mentioned the food.
The Farm Show continues through tomorrow, January 13, so there is still time to learn about farm technology and agriculture or to search for your family's roots (and eat donuts).
Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum has
shared photos of visitors to
their booth in the Main Hall, and PHMC posted video of our executive director, Andrea Lowery,
demonstrating a piece of farm technology on display. You can also find photos and video of the
State Museum's Archaeology display and the State Archives and State Historic Preservation Office "Find Your Story" booth (see below).
And Other Stuff...
Only because the weather is temporarily warming up am I willing to share this photo of the springhouse at
Conrad Weiser Homestead. Although the site is closed to the public for the winter, they are posting periodically. This photo from their Facebook page shows that even though the weather last week was abysmally cold and the water bucket had a ring of ice, the spring was still flowing. I can only image how cold that water felt.
Thanks to the Friends of Hope Lodge for the following: "On Wednesday morning, January 11,
Historic Hope Lodge was featured on Philadelphia’s NBC10. The Morning Team's 'On the Road' segment was in Fort Washington, Montgomery County, to discuss businesses and organizations that make the area thrive. The short feature included video of both the interior and exterior of the historic mansion and included a brief interview with Friends of Hope Lodge board member and Volunteer Coordinator, Diane Horan, on the role the property played during the American Revolution and video from the annual 1777 Whitemarsh Encampment reenactment." I tried to find a video clip of the Hope Lodge visit but was only able to find the piece that introduced the overall segment (plus their visit to a local Wawa). The Friends provided a photo of Diane being interviewed.
Diane Horan explains Hope Lodge's place in the history of the American Revolution (photo Hope Lodge) |
And finally a reminder that Museum Selfie Day (
@MuseumSelfieDay) is coming up next week. On Wednesday, Jan. 17, museums and historic sites around the world will participate in this popular social media event. We're encouraging staff and volunteers at Trails of History sites to take part and hope that our visitors will as well. Please use
#MuseumSelfie and tag the site and
@phmc so we can share in the fun. On a related note, the Google Arts & Culture app now includes a
feature that matches your selfie to works of art to find your doppelganger. It might be a fun thing to try on Museum Selfie Day. DISCLAIMER: I have not tried the app (yet) and am not responsible for your venture into facial recognition technology.
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