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Learn the art of pysanky egg decorating at Somerset Historical Center (see listing below) |
April 13: 18th Century Day—learn about 18th-century Joseph Gilpin, Jr., and the role the blacksmith played in 18th-century life. The site's working blacksmith shop will be open for demonstrations. Included in regular admission. Noon-4 pm.
April 14: Kid's Day—two popular school field trips programs will be presented for general public today. Learn about soldier life in the Continental Army and about communicating by letter in the 18th century. Regular admission charged for adults, but kids get in free. Noon-4 pm.
Conrad Weiser Homestead
April 7: Spring Lecture—Michael Wes Loder will discuss his book, Taken Beyond the Ohio, about the captivity experience of Marie LeRoy and Barbara Leininger, taken near Penn's Creek in 1755 (read more on Facebook event page). Program is free, and donations are welcome. 2 pm.
April 13: Workshop—learn about painted blanket chests and paint your own miniature to take home. Details and registration instructions on the Facebook event page. Deadline to register is April 1.
Cornwall Iron Furnace
April 9: Friends Lecture Series—Doug Powell will present "The Greenhouse at Cornwall Manor," recounting its history from 1881-82 (when it was built) up to its 2018 restoration (more info on Facebook event page). The program is free; donations welcome. Lectures are held in Freeman Hall auditorium at Cornwall Manor. 7 pm.
Ephrata Cloister
April 6: A Festive Occasion—enjoy an evening of delicious food and an auction of high-quality items, all in support of Ephrata Cloister and its programs. The event takes place at Bella Giardino (The Inn at Leola Village), starting at 6 pm. More info about the event and instructions for purchasing tickets available on the website.
Fort Pitt Museum
Please visit the website for information on hours and programs.
Hope Lodge
April 7 & 14: Site open—guided tours are at 1:00 and 2:30 pm. Admission charged. 1-4 pm.
Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum
Multiple Dates: Craft and Trade Classes for Adults—visit the Landis Valley website for the full list; times and fees vary.
April 5: Paint Night at the Museum Store—support Landis Valley's programs and create a painting of a Cotswold sheep (one the historic breeds found at the museum). Artist Michelle Verdegem will lead the session (more info and online registration). 6:30-9:30 pm.
April 13: Spring Benefit Auction—silent and live auctions, plus yummy food (see website for more details). Preview and silent auction begin at 4:30 pm, live auction begins at 5:30.
Old Economy Village
April 6-7: Opening Weekend—bring in a donation for The Ladle and the Hearth, Ambridge Soup Kitchen and Pantry to receive free admission (check their website for list of most-needed items). On Sunday, April 7th, Stone Soup will be prepared in the Cauldron at the Community Kitchen and the story of Stone Soup will be read at 1pm and 3pm.
April 6: Saturday Spotlight—today's class is "Introduction to Blacksmithing" - space is limited and registration deadline was March 27, so please check with site to see if there's still room (details and contact info).
April 13: Easter Egg Hunt—hunt for Easter eggs, visit with the Bunny, and enjoy a light snack. Reservations ($5 per person) are preferred by April 9; tickets are $7 per person at the gate. Details are on the website.
11 am-3 pm.
Pennsbury Manor
April 6: Monthly Book Club—this month's book is H. Donald Winkler's Stealing Secrets: How a Few Daring Women Deceived Generals, Impacted Battles, and Altered the Course of the Civil War (details on the website). 10-11 am.
April 7 & 14: Sunday Programming— April 7, Historic Trades Day; April 14, Play the Past! and learn games that 17th-century families would have played. Included in regular admission. Programming runs 1-4 pm, site open noon-5 pm.
April 13: Conversations in History—this month's discussion is "Chartering Pennsylvania, 1681-1682" (more info on the website). Included in regular admission. 10-11:30 am.
April 14: In Sickness and in Health—follow along with Hannah Penn and learn what she knows about taking care of her family's health. Program takes place at 1 pm and 3 pm; regular manor house tours are scheduled for 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30. Included in regular admission. Site is open noon-5 pm.
April 18: Paint and Sip—let the Pennsbury landscape inspire your artistic expression. BYOB. Reservations are required; call the site at 215/946-0400. 6-8 pm.
Pennsylvania Lumber Museum
April 13-14: Spring Antique and Collectible Show and Sawmill Run—vendors from all over the U.S. will be selling a variety of wares, and there will be a silent auction. The museum's sawmill will be in operation on Saturday, and the birch still will be demonstrated both days. Admission charged, includes access to museum exhibits. Food and drink will be available for purchase. Saturday, 9 am-4 pm; Sunday, 9 am-3 pm.
Pennsylvania Military Museum
April 7: Friends Lecture Series—Dr. Kelly A. Wolgast will present "A View of Current Military Nursing in the United States," drawing on her 26 years of active duty with the U.S. Army, including service in Afghanistan (more info on the website). 2-3 pm.
April 13: Kids Day - Dress Up and Discover!!—kids of all ages can try on field gear and head gear from the museum education collection and explore education stations throughout the galleries. Included in regular admission. 10 am-3 pm.
April 14: American Revolution Round Table Speaker Series—Ed Lengel, former chief historian of the White House Historical Association and 2018 Colonial Williamsburg Revolutionary in Residence historian, will be the speaker for the launch of the 2019 Speaker Series (more info on the website). 2-3 pm.
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
April 6: Rails & Ales—this event brings together brewers and food vendors to support the museum's programs. Tickets are available online (VIP tickets are sold out). Must be at least 21 to attend; designated driver tickets are available. 7:30-10 pm.
Somerset Historical Center
April 6: Pysanky Egg Workshop—explore the art, symbolism, and joy of creating traditional Ukrainian pysanky eggs in this workshop taught by local artisan Jennifer Mudery. Cost is $35 per person, $30 for members (includes $5 materials fee). More info and online registration. 10 am-3 pm.
April 13: Common Threads Symposium—this program is offered in conjunction with Laurel Arts and features fiber vendors, artists, and presentations by fiber experts. Admission is free. Presentations scheduled for 11 am and 1 pm; the visitor center is open 9 am-5 pm.
State Museum of Pennsylvania
Planetarium Schedule—visit the website for a complete schedule of planetarium shows.
April 5: StoryTime—this month's story is David Kherdian's Come Back, Moon. The program, geared to children age 3-5 with an adult (more info on the website). Included in general admission. 10:30 am.
Washington Crossing Historic Park
Please visit the website for information on hours and programs.
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